Monday, December 12, 2011

Find Our Home on the Newstand...

We're in the January issue...
They were here in September,
and I was at school!
So not fair.
Mark worked from home...
truck was here with stylists & photographers from 9-3,
so the pics in here are new to me too! ;)

I honestly couldn't find our living room,
or my bedroom,
or my dining room.
Izzy did!

Our rooms are throughout the magazine...
They use products advertisers are selling, and staged them in our rooms...
the living room, kitchen, kid's bath, dining room, library, our master, outside, and my studio.
It's kind of a "Where's Waldo" game we've been playing as a family...
or "What in this picture is really in our home?"

My neighbor walked through our home with magazine in hand and played the game.
It's pretty funny actually.
They were an amazing team.
Everything in our home was put back in order.
They mixed things up a bit, and it was fun to see what they put here and there.

Our home is nowhere near magazine worthy now.
The tree is up.
I'm sitting near it and tingly & itchy from head to toe.
Ears are clogged, and nose too.
I think this may be the last year for a live tree.
I hate allergies. 8 foot ladder is propped nearby,
Just in case I get the urge to clean the rest of the ceiling.
80% of the ornaments are on the tree,
75% of the decorations are up...
and the irony is I'm not phased by it one bit.
I'll get to it,
sometime before a big party here on Friday.

Four more days of school.
Four more days teaching reading.
Four more days with kids I've come to absolutely adore.
Four more days to tidy up the loose ends on this position,
Four more days to meet with the Art teacher during plan periods,
Five more days until a Nutcracker birthday party for Sofi...

I think I'm the big nut who hopefully won't crack while getting everything done!
Time to lose myself on Pinterest for a bit so I can forget it all....

Monday, December 5, 2011

It's A Wonderfully Full Full Life

Mark & Carl asked why I wasn't blogging much these days...
I didn't think they even checked in here.

I've probably used this pic before.

I'm too lazy to get off the couch, take off my snuggy, and plug the cord into my camera.
Just being honest.
I am bone tired.
Full days and a ridiculous cold have zapped the life out of me.
Nine hours at school over the weekend finishing paperwork didn't help.

Nine more days as a substitute reading specialist.
I'm going to miss these kiddos a ton.
I was feeling a little depressed about it ending actually.
Life threw a little curve ball last week, and I jumped up and caught it.
I was asked to cover another leave...from Jan. 3 into March.

I'll have minimal paper work.
I'll get to play with pastels, paint, paper, and pencils.
I'll get to dream again.
I'll get to plan mini history lessons.

I'm going to be the art teacher!
I've done a few happy dances this week in between sucking on lozenges.
I'll be in the same school, have a prep, and a room.
The girls can still come to school in the a.m., and leave with me in the afternoon.
I'm still pinching myself.
Two and a half block commute.
Reading, art, kids.
Three of my favorite things.

I'm the calmest I think I've ever been about Christmas.
No tree yet...we'll cut it down on Sat.
No cards...I have it picked, just need to place the order.
No decorations out...the bins are all in the dining room.
Stockings are hung.
Two or three little female elves took care of that.

Anyone else have three girls?
Anyone else make it through the drama?
If it isn't one, it has to be the other, or the other.

Plucking gray hairs,

Thursday, November 10, 2011

"Mom, you really need a filter..."

Thank you dear Son.
He told me this after I announced to my children that the dress in the corner boutique might as well be a bra.
We were heading to the library.
I said what was on my mind.
Just being real.
I probably needed a filter.

Sometimes I do.
It's been six weeks since I've blogged.
I've missed it.
I've been busy, but the real reason for not blogging is the whole filter thing.

To filter what's really on my mind or not?
For those of you who blog, what's your take...
To filter the written word or not?
Perhaps I should just write a private journal.

I have four weeks left in my permanent sub position.
I'm not sure what's next for me....
But know that I love what I'm doing.
Shocked by how much I love the primary grades.
Attached to my little friends I see every day.
Enjoying using my brain.

I learned last week that I've aged...considerably.
17 years ago I was the young teacher at the conference table.
Now I'm the oldest in the room, and ready to check id's at the door.
I did get carded at Trader Joe's last week.
It put a huge smile on my face.

Tonight I'll dream of poodle skirts that need to be glue gunned by tomorrow eve,
Excel sheets that I want to create,
Paintings I have in my head,
Leaves that need to be hauled to the curb,
Ten days of laundry that needs to be washed,
(never will I buy a Whirlpool front loader again),
Six months old, and thank goodness it's under warranty.
Repair man makes third trip here tomorrow.
Six boxes have been delivered to our door.
Three are the same thing.
They've filled the laundry room.

That's all I've got.

Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Days to Remember

Listening to the laughter of my boys playing with their fake basketball teams.
I don't get it, but I'm happy they like hanging out together.

My girls do too.
Our house isn't huge by some people's standards,
but it's plenty big for me.
The girls and I decided to make forts yesterday after school.
I thought the table in the play room would suffice.
It did, for about 5 minutes.

S & I chose to take matters in their own hands.
They've created an amazing fort under the basement stairs.
They are on top of each other literally.
They've created a sign in sheet.
The wonderful thing about it?
To access the laundry room I must sign in.
If I can't get in, I can't do laundry!

I'd take pics, but they are asleep.
I almost am too.
Driving to the gym at 5:05 a.m. is nuts.
Worked out.
Showered at home.
Breakfast with the big kids.
Laundry sorted.
Lunch making supervision.
Mark to train.
Breakfast with the little girls.
Off to school.
Six reading groups.
Lunch in the car while talking to a friend.
Prep time.
Conferencing with teachers.
Bus duty.
Clean up.
Dinner for Carl.
Carl to marching band.
Dinner with girls.
Picked up Mark.
Figured out car pools.
Baked cookies with Linnea.
Dinner for Mark.
Linnea to Brink (youth group).
Mark picked up Carl.
Mark picked up Linnea.
Reading with girls.
Are these the days to remember???

They are,
and tomorrow we will do it again....

Monday, September 26, 2011

Pondering On Life, Guys in tight pants, and Cleaning

Another week has passed.
Every time I think I'm getting into a groove, something shifts.

Today I'm beat.
I'm craving a personal day, and wishing for a little down time.
The weekend was good...but not relaxing.
I feel like I'm always "on."
Too much to keep track home and at work.

The house is clean....and has been so since last week.
Apparently I'm the one who dirties it during the day? :)
I cleaned like a maniac.
Top to bottom.
Up til 1 a.m., and up again at 5 a.m.
Nothing like a little photo shoot to get the blood going.

Country Sampler was here last Thursday.
I was dying to be here to see them style and photograph.
Mark was instead.
So not fair.
I came home for lunch.
It was a zoo.
Too much commotion to gain any perspective.
I'll have to wait until the issue is out in January.

Is anyone else sick of football already?
I almost googled "how to enjoy a game,"
or "being nice to spouse during game,"
or "testosterone in tight pants...I don't get it."
I don't understand the hype.
I don't get the game.
I don't like the tackling.
I think their uniforms are queer.

I tried to sit through a varsity game last week.
It was painful.
Packed stands.
Whiney tired little girls.
Commotion everywhere.
Crazy parents screaming at the refs.
Not the way one wants to relax on a Friday night.
My version of ____.

The best part?
My son marching at halftime.
My son who gets the coordination gene from his mother.
I'm all.
My brother nicknamed me "Putz" through High School.

Anyway, watching the band is incredible.
He's right in in step I can't find him.
He got a hair cut last week for the occasion.
A big haircut.
I didn't recognize him at the door the other night.
I locked him out.

Off to the next thing....

Tuesday, September 20, 2011

What I Know For Sure

This little girl of mine knows how to have a good time.
She keeps me laughing.
She has a sense of humor far beyond her years....
She's been in my heart for a long time....
and in my arms for 7 years today.

Yep, it's Izzy's gotcha day.
We celebrated as a family last night with Chinese carry out.
It's the same meal every year, and we eat with our chopsticks from China.
Why last night?
Carl had marching band from 5-8 tonight...don't get me started...

This year Carl helped me set the table.
He made sure she had the "you are special" plate,
and our table runners from China were out.
Considering all the spats these two get in, it moved me to see the care he took.

I've noticed many in the adoption world have switched to "family day."
I asked Izzy if she wanted to change the name.
"No way, it's the day you got me."
She's right, and we'll continue to celebrate Gotcha Day for a long time.

After she went to bed, I did what I've done for the last six years...
Logged into our old yahoo group to check in with the other six families.
It's been 7 years since we've seen each other,
but we'll never forget that day.

Tonight with so many things on my plate, it's this pic that puts it all into perspective.
So much to be thankful for,
and so thankful for my little rainbow from above.

I love you Isabella CaiHong Johnson.
CaiHong means rainbow,
and she'll always be mine.

Monday, September 12, 2011

I'm Old

And the kids at school have no problem telling me so.

I introduced myself to a little girl, and said I was Izzy's mom.
I was hoping to make her comfortable.
"YOU are Izzy's mom?"

"I am..and Sofi's too."

"YOU are Izzy's mom? For real??"
"I am sweetie."
"You can't be."
"Why not?"
"You're way too old."
"How old do you think I am?"
"Geez, like 40 or 50 or maybe even older?"
"You are really good. I am 40!"
"My mom is so much younger than you."
"Yep. She's only 35."

So there.
I didn't think anyone would guess my new age yet.
I was wrong.
Kids are so smart.

I am this old, and this short.
Look at where my head hits the door.
Then look at these two.

Ok, I was wearing flats.
Next time I'll put on the heels and the eye cream.
Time to get some beauty sleep so I'm ready for another day at school...

Sunday, September 11, 2011

It's A Whirlwind

This is how I'm feeling these days....
and a bit windblown.
I haven't posted since Aug.19.
I've been working since then.
I love it.
I love the commute- 2 1/2 blocks.
I love the staff.
I love bringing my girls to school.
I love getting to know the kids at school.
I love using my brain again.
I love assessments, and interpreting data.
I love finding ways to motivate kids.
I'll be in this position until 12/16...
and I'm good with that.
My standards at home have had to slide.
Meals are a little simpler these days.
Kids are chipping in to help a bit more.
Laundry piles last a little longer.
Paper stacks are a little higher.
But I love what I'm doing.
I miss zumba.
I miss seeing friends mid-day.
I miss stopping at a garage sale on a Friday morning....all by myself.
I miss getting meals done before the kids home.
I miss having a snack ready on the counter.
Thankfully the kids have all been healthy.
Thankfully Mark's worked from home 1-2 days a week.
Life is good.
I miss my blogging friends,
but have a new little toy which should make blogging a little easier.*
Maybe turning 40 last week wasn't all bad.
It's the new 30, right?
I like it way better than 30.
Life is good.

*Thank you dear Mark for my eensy weensy laptop...

Friday, August 19, 2011

To Market To Market

Flowers Anyone?
This is where we've been on Tuesday mornings.
Helping with the Garden Market at the Holmstad, a retirement community nearby.
Flower arranging,
Mingling with the shoppers,
Arranging produce,
Counting money,
Taking it all down.
The kids all loved it.

Probably one of the best things we did this Summer was start a garden.
They needed some "able bodied gardeners" who lived nearby.
For $20, a 45 x 15 foot plot was ours.
Our neighbors have shared in the labor with us.
We have about twenty tomato plants,
8 pepper plants,
1 eggplant,
4 zucchini,
1 butternut squash,
1 cucumber,
and 1 watermelon.
We've eaten so well, and been able to share some too.
Extras from the market go to the local food pantry.
One of our favorite things to do...

Wednesday, August 17, 2011

I'm Going

I'm excited,
and can't wait to begin.

I'll be a long-term sub for our school's reading teacher.
Tomorrow through the start of Christmas break.
She's having her first baby...very soon.

A two and a half block commute with Sofi & Izzy.
An amazing staff.
Awesome support.
Doing what I love.
Helping kids read.

Sometimes things happen when one least expects it.
I learned about it at the end of July.
I had goosebumps.
It felt right.
I completed a mountain of paperwork....
as fast as I could.

Today I had goosebumps again.
I received my badge, email address, and passwords.
Many things have changed since I left teaching to be a mom...
14 years ago.

It's been a wild and crazy ride.
With my babies all in school,
I'm ready to spread my wings again a bit.
This will be a good first step.

I think I'm ready for the morning.
Bag packed.
Clothes ready.
Lunch made.
New school supplies.
I feel like I'm six again,
and it feels really really good.

Monday, August 8, 2011

I'm Alive

Really I am,
Despite finding someone's tooth in my salad.
It wasn't mine.

I'll let you chew on that thought for a bit.
I hyperventilated for a few hours.
I still don't know whose it is...

We're back together again after a few adventures.
Mark & Sofi backpacked in WI.
Heat exhaustion brought them home two days later.

Linnea was at Covenant Point in the U.P.
Amazing time on an island.
No running water or electricity.
Had the time of her life.

Izzy lived it up at Covenant Harbor for three nights.
She hid in her bunk upon my arrival.
She loved it that much.
So thankful for amazing counselors.

Carl's been marching ALL day long.
His schedule is ridiculous.
Why is everything so intense these days?
No pic of him.
He'd be absolutely mortified.

I've been up to a few adventures of my own.
I think I can spill the beans in a day or two.
It will turn our world upside down.

Ready or not,
back to school is coming,
very very soon.

Tuesday, July 26, 2011

My Burlap Ruffle Bag

Was a spontaneous sewing decision.
I couldn't find a purse I liked.
Well, I did...but it was $188.
Not going to happen.

I spent $0.
Burlap was from an old table runner I made.
Gingham check liner from leftover pillow remnants.
Strap is a twill ribbon.
Rose is a satin ribbon looped to be a flower.
Polka dot flower and brad....leftover from scrapbooking days.
In my head.
45 minutes in June.
Done and happy.

Sunday, July 24, 2011

Highly Recommend

Anyone else read it?
Not exactly a sizzling Summer beach read...
though I did read a bit of it at the beach.

Unbelievable story.

Now I could use recommendations for something a little lighter....
any ideas?

Thursday, July 14, 2011

"Did They Just Get That Way?"

A visitor (who shall remain nameless) recently asked that question....
Upon noticing that our books are in Rainbow order.
All of them.

"Um, No."
"You took the time to color code your books? For real?"
"Yep, and I enjoyed myself while doing so."
This was my one decorating accomplishment during the month of June.
It makes me smile every time I walk by.
Totally worth the time and effort.

There are two more bookshelves on the other side of the room.
Color coded too.
I was a teacher.... :)
It's helped my kids discover some "new" reads!

Tuesday, July 12, 2011

I'm alive, and I chose yellow

Ten days back from Mackinac Island....
and I want to go back.

Once upon there was just two of us....

and we needed some time away to remember that.

I danced the night away with cousin Freddy.
He's got some great moves for being a four year old.

My yellow shoes made me quite a bit taller....
See pic above.
I added about 4 inches and they really were comfortable.

No kids.
No dogs.
No bickering.
Made me think, "why did we ever had anyone else to the mix?" :)

But we did.
I love my kids, but we really needed some time away....

We've had a busy Summer.
Sister here for 17 days.
Brother here for 7.
Family trip to Door County.
Getting Carl ready for camp.
4th of July.
Community garden.
Time together.
Lots of time together.

I've instituted the bicker buckets.
They bicker.
They get a bucket to hold together.
Off they go to weed...until the bucket is full.
It's worked.
Except I'm the one doing most of the weeding!

Friday, June 10, 2011

What color shoes?

Would you wear with this?

I'm not a shoe person.

Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Do You Zoku?

We bought Mark an early Father's day gift...
and have been playing with it every day.

Seven minutes and you have three popsicles.

You can even add fruit...

I'd love to know what others think of this little gadget.
Since we need more three popsicles, you can make another batch or two right away.
Then you freeze it again.
Today's flavor?
Belgium chocolate pudding from Trader Joe's.
I may not be sharing. :)

Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Random Pics from May

I asked Izzy to take a little rest the other day.
Points for creativity?

Note the doll.
She thinks outside of the box like her mom. :)

I'm wearing heels in this pic.
Two of my children are taller than me now.
The pink ring is from my iphone case.

I wore this on May 26 to pick up the girls.
That's my gray wool coat.
My knit leggings.
My boots.
May 26 my friends.

Today I'm toasty in a tank dress in flip flops.
The weather is so random here in IL.

I've been sitting on the bench a lot lately.
It's fun seeing the kids thrive.
The dress is adorable.
You should see her outfit today.

Yes, yes she does.

Monday, June 6, 2011

No, We Don't Live in Kansas

I just thought it was a sweet sentiment.

My soffits had been bare for over a year.
I changed that 10 minutes before dinner Saturday night.
I was in the laundry room folding a quick load.
Saw the barn wood resting in the corner.
Measured the barn wood.
Measured the soffit.
Got out the paints.
Sometimes you have to grab inspiration right when it hits.

We had this piece resting on the windowsill for a long time.
I missed it.
The barn wood is from Vermont.

I think I like it here.

Thursday, May 26, 2011

Green Streamers Are Hitting The Fan

and Chocolate chip cookies are on the counter.
Preparations for Wendy the tooth fairy are complete.
Pray she makes an appearance tonight,
or we'll have to endure the madness again tomorrow.

Izzy woke with a start this morning,
"MOM, the tooth fairy didn't come!!"
"I have to call Papa right now and see who is on duty!"
She called at 7:30 a.m.
He informed her it was Wendy.

Apparently Wendy likes fans and chocolate chip cookies.
Apparently Carl ate all of ours.
Izzy asked if I'd please make Wendy a batch.
Trader Joes was out of chocolate chips.
I caved and bought a tub of cookies instead.

We don't have a fan.
Thankfully Izzy got clearance from Papa at 5:15 this afternoon.
A ceiling fan would work...
as long as streamers were attached.
Thankfully we had some green ones.
I assured her they didn't need to be pink.

This added to an afternoon of pickups,
piano lesson,
soccer practice,
pick up at the train,
homework help (test on Pompeii...yawn),
dinner on the table,
taping streamers to the fan...
two grouchy sisters,
("and how do you think I'll sleep in here with that noise?")
and I was done.

I hit the gym at 9:10 p.m.
Wore my swimsuit,
PJ pants,
Bog Boots,
Wool Coat,
and scarf.
I looked pretty special.
For those of you not in IL,
I don't want to hear about your weather.
I wore my boots yesterday,
and my wool coat most of the day today.

My mission tonight?
Hit the steam room and hot tub.

Apparently if you hit the gym after 9:10 p.m.,
it's a little different crowd.
I didn't know.
I rained on a few parades.
Including the gossip fest in the steam room,
and then the naked hot tub soaker.
My first clue should have been body parts floating,
and swimsuit on top of her towel.
I was on my own mission,
sat down to relax,
and then looked across the tub.
I'm sure my jaw dropped to hit the bubbles.
I closed my eyes.
Stifled a laugh.
Then she told me she was getting out.
I closed my eyes again....
for a long few minutes.

Out of the tub to find the gossip girls doing mud masks together.
Thankfully the woman who dries herself with paper towels wasn't there.
She's there around 2 p.m.
There are towels.

I'm home.
Time for bed.
Pray that Wendy comes in the night.
The other top tooth is really loose.
I'm scared to find out who is on duty next.

Count down begins

My kids have been counting down for a week now.
They aren't out until June 13.
My sister and her family arrive June 13 for two weeks.

I'm madly trying to
1. Enjoy the quiet.
2. Finish up projects.
3. Catch up with daily life.
4. Exercise and eat right.
5. Enjoy the end of the year flurry.
6. Clean and organize.
7. Schedule my students that I tutor.
8. Stay calm.
9. Deal with the endless paperwork.
10. Try to figure out Summer calendar.

Oh my.
What are you up to?
I'm breaking out the Winter coat today to walk up to school.
I'm already wearing a sweater and boots.

What's with the pic?
I don't know.
Random thing 9,099 that makes me happy.
I'd like to get lost in my studio right now,
but I've run out of time.

Tuesday, May 24, 2011


Many women like diamonds or pearls around their neck.
My husband's given me both, but this is what I wear every day.
It's tarnished, and to many I'm sure it looks like a pile of junk,
To me it's a bit of my story,
and worth more than diamonds or pearls.

Here is the end of Grandma Izzy's spoon,

My sister made it for me a few years back.
She was a gem, and I miss her so very much.
It seemed a little lonely,
So I added this little piece,

I don't know the story behind it, but it was from my first mom.
There are two empty frames.
I've never filled them, and like them that way.
With four kids and a husband, how could I pick just two? :)

My brother gave me this after my second mom passed away.
He had given it to her while she was sick,

I added this little piece a few weeks ago, but decided it was too bulky.

It reminds me of blogland, and the kindred spirits I've found in this virtual world.
I added it to a longer chain with another sweet charm from a dear friend.

I clink a little with all of these pieces as I walk.
Oh well.
I'm not trading them for all the diamonds or pearls in the world.

P.S. I was still wearing my Winter coat a week ago when I photographed these. :)

Monday, May 23, 2011

Days I Want to Remember

In the busy moments raising four kids,
This day is one I want to remember....
Kidnapping Linnea at 7 a.m. on her birthday.

She was in the middle of the morning chaos,
and I threw a dishtowel over her head.

We put her in the "new to us" van,
and picked up two of her good friends.

They were already in on our plan. :)
Linnea hates secrets and loves the table in our mini=van.
It was perfect.

Sofi and Izzy kept the big secret.
A minor miracle.

I decorated the van the night before and had locker favors for the girls.
We drove through the new Dunkin Donuts drive thru for smoothies and donuts.
The mess and the smiles and giggles and thank yous I will remember forever.

It was the fastest birthday party I've ever thrown,
but will always be one of my favorites.


Saturday, May 21, 2011

How the Other Side Lives

Izzy and Sofi took matters into their own hands...
Disappointed that their color blocked area was neither cork or magnetic or dry erase,
They improvised.
Sofi's had to bring in her favorite thing to school a few weeks ago.
She brought an Expo dry erase marker.
Totally serious.
She spends about two hours a day nobody in particular.
She's quite good.
I keep thinking she'd make a decent sub...if she could ever get on the sub list.
Sore spot.
I'd like to sub.
Can't get a packet.
Have a teaching degree.
Doesn't matter.
Some day.
here is their creation...

Apparently they used every post it note in the house....

I knew I waited too long to take a pic!
They created "special" days for the rest of the school year...
and wrote down outfits they'd wear.
There's a Hawaiian day, a yoga day, and of course a polka dot day.
Innovative, creative, and they were busy for thirty minutes.
Not a bad thing.
Plus they worked on their spelling skills.

We celebrated Linnea's 12 birthday last week.
Can't believe she's this old...yet some days I feel like she's about 25.
If I were 12 I'd want to be her friend.
She's thoughtful, intelligent, caring, and absolutely hysterical.
She's developed a very amusing sense of humor.
Not sure where that comes from. ;)

Here she is with her champagne taste dinner.
Always steak and artichokes.
The bigger the better.
Someday I'll make a birthday book of her and her artichokes.

First year forgoing one of my cake favor of tiramisu torte.
I happily obliged.

These too are a funny combination these days.

Some days it's tough having a sib with a similar personality.
They drive each other crazy.

Thursday, May 19, 2011

The Girls' Room Redo

I've cleaned, painted and purged.
Three girls pack a lot of stuff into one room.
I had to rethink the organization of the room, and this is phase one.

Here is Linnea's little nook...

I color blocked the area over her bed, and Mark added the border.
The "L" is paper maiche, and can be found at JoAnn Fabrics for $8.
She added the pom pom strand, and the drawers do push in. :)

Third time is the charm on the chandelier.

Originally it was in the dining room encased in glass.
We switched out the fixture, and used the innards over her bed.
I was tired of the brass.
Quick spray of white and it looks like new.

Bookshelf found curbside has a fresh coat of paint.
She arranged her treasures...
including the lime green drum she made in 4th grade.

Teacups were replaced with polka dot ribbon bands.

I repurposed their shoe organizer.
To be honest, the shoes never made it there.

Each section is now reorganized....
chargers, electronics, lotions, brushes, clips, etc.
Probably my favorite thing in the room.

They are even using 5!

Took down the cute little dressing table.
Gave the found curbside mirror a fresh coat of pink.
Purchased a second organizer from Target.
Need to buy more polka dot ribbon for each bin.

Switched out the light for one we already had.

Second best thing.
Each girl has a match the color block over their bed...
which matches their duvet cover.

Top bin is for their stuff,
Middle bin for their dirty laundry,

Third bin for their shoes.
Can you tell which daughter loves shoes?

Coming tomorrow...the other side....

I really should have taken pictures before they lived in it. :)
Paint colors- all Valspar from Lowes...the sample sizes are great.
Walls- tropical spray
Linnea's color block and Izzy's "I"- spring leaf
Sofi's color block and Linnea's "L"- La Fonda fiesta blue
Izzy's color bloc, mirror and Sofi's "S"- frosty berry