Meet my new best friend,
She's sleek, speedy, dummy-proof, and doesn't make a mess...
Unless you try to use the k-cup twice.
Yep, I did.
Don't try it.
Don't tell my husband.
It made a mess....
although not as much of a mess as I usually make while making coffee...
She's also the cause of my recent addiction to coffee...
I did purchase some decaf k-cups,
but what fun is that?
I'd much rather be caffeinated.
I'm more productive.
I'm able to deal with these two...

Seven is tough.
They're too little to do some things.
They're too big for others.
They have huge opinions.
They can be bossy.
But they are really cute...
They are having a beach-wear assembly today for good behavior.
Two days before Spring Break.
Funny, they seem to think they're on Spring Break already.
To say they were excited about finding their flipflops was an understatement.
They spent their allowance at the dollar store.
Grass skirts weren't in yet, so Izzy and I improvised on hers with crepe paper.
Sofi thought it was dumb.
Oh well...her loss.
They did raid my scrapbooking stash for "new" clips.
Do any of you scrapbook anymore??
I used to find such joy in the tiniest of things while making pages....
Now I just don't care about it...and I have lots of stuff collecting dust.
Good thing it can be added to a clip.

My kids will likely head to college with a flash drive of their youth.
It's kind of pathetic,
but practical.
Meanwhile I have boxes of photos from my youth collecting dust in the basement.
Perfect place for photos, right?
One more thing that I haven't dealt with this Winter.
Oh well.
Maybe I should stick it all on a flash drive and be done with it.