1. Here's the result of last week's roadtrip...
to Izzy's fairygodmother,my big "sister" Trish...
an amazing photographer.
I'm thinking we send this one out as our Christmas pic?
Whoops...we're missing the boys.
Yikes...maybe not the best idea.
That would raise a few eyebrows.
Do you still send cards?
I used to make them.
Now, not so much.
She claims she didn't photoshop out my extra thigh or tire,
I'm not sure I believe her.
One of the families I tutor gave me this...

I kind of shared it with the family.
Kind of.
They had a few portioned bags.
I had the rest.
It was soooo good.
Worth a few extra trips to the gym.
2. New glasses.
My puzzled wrinkled face shows my inability to handle technology.
"hmmm...how do I take a pic of myself?"
I did it.
Linnea was a trooper and helped me try on 50 pairs.
Yep, fifty.
Buying a pair of glasses is tough.
I hate committing myself to a pair for a few years.
Plus I'm prone to losing things (thanks Dad),
and they're pricey!
I loved the last pair,
until my Dad and brother told me I looked like Sarah Palin.
I lost them.
Really, I really did.
These are a little funky, but fun,
and the best part?
I can see!
3. Soccer season is over.
Here is one of my favorite pics of the season.
That would be me huddled under my sleeping bag,
wearing a down coat and gloves,
holding my umbrella in a windy rainstorm,
and trying to stay warm with some Starbucks.
I do love watching Linnea play...
4. Some of you have been showing "what I wore on Wednesday."
I thought I'd start a new one,
"what I wore to the train."

That's me.
In my bathrobe over my sweats.
Tied with a leopard scarf for a little personality.
Wearing my fake uggs that have a hole in them.
They're fake.
They didn't last.
I guess I need the real deal, right Santa?
I drive Mark to the train every day that he works downtown.
Ten years of crazy get-ups, crazy train stories,
and I probably could have written a book.
Lets just say I'm thankful the girls are no longer babies
and need to be wrestled into snowsuits.
5. I need to go.
To the train.
To school.
To the gym.
To the paint store.
To find some paint samples for the master bath.
To the art studio to finish some pieces.
3 days till hanging....
and I'm almost done....
If you read this,
you deserve a prize.
Leave your name and what state or country you live in.
I want to teach the kids some geography.
We'll have our first little giveaway.